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Advancing formative assessment in every classroom: A guide for instructional leaders

Moss, C.M., & Brookhart, S.M.

Assessment FOR Learning
What is assessment FOR Learning?
This Canadian book provides a detailed introduction to formative assessment including many in-class examples.  2009. ASCD.
Canadian; book
Assessment FOR learning vs assessment OF learning

Bennett, J.

Assessment FOR Learning
What is assessment FOR Learning?
Short American article providing a brief overview of the differences between assessments FOR and OF learning.   (2017). Pearson. 
American; Article
Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind

Western Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education (WNCP)

Assessment FOR Learning
What is assessment FOR Learning?
This Canadian policy document identifies three purposes of classroom assessment: assessment for learning, assessment as learning, and assessment of learning.  2006. Manitoba Education.
Canadian; Policy; PDF
Grading smarter not harder: Assessment strategies that help motivate kids and help them learn

Dueck, M.

Assessment Best Practices
Assessment AS Learning
Reveals how many of the Canadian assessment policies that teachers adopt can actually prove detrimental to student motivation and achievement and shows how we can tailor policies to address what really matters: student understanding of content.  2014.  ASCD. 
Canadian; Book
From passenger to co-pilot: Practical ways to assess with our students

Dueck, M.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
This Canadian webinar focuses on practical ways that we can invite students into the assessment realm as active copilots rather than disinterested passengers.  2021. ASCD. 
Canadian; Webinar
Interweaving curriculum and classroom assessment: Engaging the 21st-century learner

Drake, S.M., Reid, J.L., & Kolohon, W.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
This Canadian book looks at the intersection between curriculum planning, assessment, and student engagement.   2014.  Oxford University Press. ISBN: 0195447484 9780195447484 
Canadian; Book
Creating standards-based integrated curriculum: Aligning curriculum content, assessment and ...

Drake, S. M.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
Creating standards-based integrated curriculum: Aligning curriculum content, assessment and instruction (2nd edition). This Canadian book emphasizes how to align assessment, planning, and instruction.  2007. Corwin Press. ISBN-978-1-4129-1505-2 
Canadian; Book
Understanding by design, expanded 2nd edition

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
With an expanded array of practical strategies, tools, and examples from all subject areas, this American book demonstrates how the research-based principles of Understanding by Design apply to district frameworks as well as to individual units of curriculum.   2005. ASCD. 
American; Book
Advancing formative assessment with a learning target theory of action

Moss, C., & Brookhart, S.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
This American book explores how learning targets and success criteria serve as the engine that drives teacher instruction and the connection between these targets and each element of formative assessment, particularly student self- and peer assessment.  2019. ASCD. 
American; Book
Quality teaching: A literature review for Northern Gateway Public Schools

Brown, B., Thomas, C., Delanoy, N., Brandon, J.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
This literature review is organized according to four key dimensions of quality teaching: teacher as designer, teacher as engaged professional, teacher as expert in pedagogical knowledge and teacher as cultivator of quality learning environments. Assessment is addressed as part of all four dimensions.   2018. University of Calgary, Werklund School of Education. 
Canadian; Literature Review; Report
Checking for understanding: Formative assessment techniques for your classroom, 2nd edition.

Fisher, D., & Frey, N.

Assessment FOR Learning
What is assessment FOR Learning?
Explores a variety of engaging activities that check for and increase understanding, including interactive writing, portfolios, multimedia presentations, audience response systems, and much more.   2014.  ASCD.
American; Book
Total participation techniques

Himmele, W., & Himmele, P.

Assessment FOR Learning
What is assessment FOR Learning?
This free US webinar provides specific examples of how to implement assessment FOR learning that involves all students at once rather than one at a time. Please note: you will need to register your name and email address.  2011.  ASCD.
American; Webinar
What is mastery learning?

Ellis, S.

Assessment Best Practices
Mastery Learning
This brief, American article gives an overview of mastery learning and how to start applying in the classroom. 2019. Getting Smart.  
American; Article
Approach and avoidance motivation and achievement goals

Elliot, A.J.

Assessment Best Practices
Mastery Learning
This is a seminal American article introducing approach and avoidance motivation in contrast to mastery learning.   1999. Educational Psychologist, 34(3), 169-189.
American; Article
Digital portfolios in the classroom: Showcasing and assessing student work

Renwick, M.

Assessment Best Practices
Online/Virtual Assessment
In this American webinar, participants will gain knowledge about the different types of portfolios, approaches, and tools and discover how technology can create a more equitable, relevant, and timely assessment system for students.  2017. ASCD. 
American; Webinar
Shifting our thinking about educational technology: How to place tasks before apps

Burns, M.

Assessment Best Practices
Online/Virtual Assessment
In this engaging, free webinar based in the US, attendees will explore how to integrate technology and focus on the "three Cs" of technology implementation—creation, curiosity, and collaboration.  2017. ASCD. 
American; Webinar
A gift of digital learning: Empowering teachers to build an equitable assessment practice

Tate, E.D.

Assessment Best Practices
Online/Virtual Assessment
This free American webinar focuses on equitable assessments: opportunities for all students to demonstrate what they know and what they can do. Tate's passion for learning, technology, and equity shines through as she showcases digital learning tools that help teachers to honor the different needs of their learners and reveal each learners' progress toward learning outcomes.  2021. ASCD. 
American; Webinar
Assessment as learning: Using classroom assessment to maximize student learning

Earle, L.

Assessment Best Practices
Assessment AS Learning
This is a Canadian book for teachers and school leaders on formative assessment, assessment as learning, where assessment occurs throughout the learning process to inform learning as opposed to assessment that occurs at the end of a learning unit to measure what students have learned (summative assessment).  2012.  Corwin. 
Canadian; Book
Reflection: Ti wa7 szwatenem: What we know: Indigenous knowledge and learning

Williams, L.

Assessment Best Practices
Assessment and Indigenization
Reflection paper by Lorna Williams (Victoria, BC) on how to Indigenize teaching and learning (including assessment).   2019.  BC Studies, 200, 31-44. 
Canadian; Article
Indigenous principles decolonizing teacher education: What we have learned?

Sanford, K., Williams, L., Hopper, T., & McGregor, C.

Assessment Best Practices
Assessment and Indigenization
The intent of this Canadian paper is to draw attention to the ways Indigenous principles offered by Lil’wat scholar Lorna Williams have influenced one teacher education program, and to share some of the ways that these principles have been enacted within the program.  2012. In Education, 18, 18-34. 
Canadian; Article
Preservice teachers’ perceptions about assessment and its implementation

Karp, G.C., & Woods, M.L.

Assessment Best Practices
Research study that examines how American preservice teachers perceive and implement assessment to provide clues as to how we can refocus the way future teachers use assessment.  (2008).  Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 27(3), 327-346.
American; Article
Assessment mindset: Exploring the relationship between teacher mindset and approaches to ...

DeLuca, C., Coombs, A., & LaPointe-MacEwan, D.

Assessment Best Practices
"Assessment mindset: Exploring the relationship between teacher mindset and approaches to classroom assessment.| The purpose of this Canadian study was to explore the relationship between teacher candidates’ approaches to assessment and their mindset towards learning at the end of their teacher education.  2019. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 61, 159-169.
Canadian; Article
How to create and use rubrics for formative assessment and grading

Brookhart, S.M.

Assessment Best Practices
In this comprehensive guide, Canadian author Susan M. Brookhart identifies two essential components of effective rubrics: (1) criteria that relate to the learning (not the “tasks”) that students are being asked to demonstrate and (2) clear descriptions of performance across a continuum of quality.  2013. ASCD. 
Canadian; Book
How to use grading to improve learning

Brookhart, S.

Assessment Best Practices
Going Gradeless
Guides Canadian educators at all levels in figuring out how to produce grades—for single assignments and report cards—that accurately communicate students' achievement of learning goals.  2017. ASCD. 
Canadian; Book
Changing the grade: A step-by-step guide to grading for student growth

Cornue, J.

Assessment Best Practices
Going Gradeless
Presents a detailed American model for developing a more reliable, standards-based grading system. In addition to identifying and addressing the barriers to change—such as concerns about how colleges and employers will interpret an alternative grading model—it offers a concrete structure for changing the grading system.  2018.  ASCD. 
American; Book
Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us

Pink, D.H.

Assessment Best Practices
Mastery Learning
This easy-to-read, American book takes lessons from business and classroom research to discuss how to motivate students and employees. This approach puts into place mastery learning theory.   2011. Riverhead books. ISBN-10: 1594484805 
American; Book
How we think: A theory of goal-oriented decision making and its educational applications

Schoenfeld, A.H.

Assessment Best Practices
Mastery Learning
This seminal, American text looks at mastery learning and its connection to problem solving in the classroom. Details how to incorporate mastery learning in the classroom.   2010.  Taylor & Francis. 
American; Book
Introducing mastery learning to students

Pattani, M.

Assessment Best Practices
Mastery Learning
This brief, American article overviews how to introduce mastery learning to a new group of students, key things to remember when incorporating mastery learning, and examples.  2019.  Khan Academy. 
American; Article
How to give effective feedback to your students

Brookhart, S.

Assessment Best Practices
Giving Feedback
Explores characteristics of effective feedback messages delivered in the context of the formative learning cycle with those two other circumstances. Canadian educator Brookhart will use the metaphor of "three lenses" to do this: a microscope lens (looking at the feedback message up close), a camera lens (looking at a feedback episode as a snapshot of learning), and a telescope lens (looking for further learning).  2017. ASCD. 
Canadian; Webinar
Decolonizing Aboriginal education in the 21st century

Munroe, E.A., Lunney Borden, L., Murray Orr, A., Toney, D., & Meader, J.

Assessment Best Practices
Assessment and Indigenization
Three Canadian stories from the authors’ research serve as examples of decolonizing approaches that value the congruence between 21st century education and Indigenous knowledges, including implications for assessment.  2013. McGill Journal of Education, 48, 317-338.  
Canadian; Article
A repair kit for grading: 15 fixes for broken grades (3rd edition)

O’Connor, K.

Assessment Best Practices
Going Gradeless
Grades are artifacts of learning and students need to receive grades that reflect what they’ve actually learned. This American/Canadian book advocates the implementation of grading systems based strictly on student achievement—and shows educators how to create them.  2022.  FIRST Educational Resources. 
10 things that matter from assessment to grading

Schwimmer, T.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
Outlines the big ideas of assessment so teachers can prioritize where to refine their practice. Structured in standalone, quick-read chapters, this Canadian book has a flexible approach that lets readers choose the material that matters most to them.   2011. Pearson Canada. 
Canadian; Book
Building Teachers' Capacity in Authentic Assessment and Assessment for Learning

Hadden, J., Parks, C., Sanden, L., Monaghan, M., Gallant, A., & LaFrance, M.

Assessment Best Practices
Planning and Assessment
Research study with grade six teachers on how to build their own use of authentic assessment in the classroom. 2016. Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.
Canada, Article

Himmele, W., & Himmele, P.

Assessment FOR Learning
This free webinar provides specific examples of how to implement assessment FOR learning that involves all students at once rather than one at a time.
English language, US, webinar
An introduction to student-involved assessment FOR learning (7th edition)

Stiggins, R.J. & Chappuis, J.

Assessment FOR Learning
What is assessment FOR Learning?
This American book is best known for its focus on how to involve students in the assessment process and how to use assessment as a tool to advance learning. 2016.  Pearson.
Book; US; English
Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment

Black, P., & Wiliam, D.

Assessment FOR Learning
What is assessment FOR Learning?
Firm evidence shows that formative assessment is an essential component of classroom work and that its development can raise standards of achievement, Mr. Black and Mr. Wiliam point out. Indeed, they know of no other way of raising standards for which such a strong prima facie case can be made. 1998. Phi Delta Kappan.
Article; US.
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