Submitted by Veronica Saretsky
Written by Lori Jeschke, Dave Carter, Cheryl Shields and Deborah Bidulka the book outlines a large rural school division’s journey to affect sustainable, system-wide change in professional practice around assessment. The school system was moving to a new grade 1-9 report card and used this move to deepen the understandings of teachers in their assessment practices.
The division was looking for a model that supported sustainable change in professional practice. Their experience with “one-shot sessions or even multi-day workshops” had not created any long term changes in teacher practice. When they attended a week long institute on assessment for learning, they heard of the residency model of professional development. This book goes into detail about their implementation of that model and the learnings they gathered along the way. It also offers suggestions on how others may use the model to affect systemic change in their systems.
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