Lorna Earl, Ph.D.

Founding Member

As a co-founder of CAfLN, Lorna has been instrumental in the planning and evolution of CAfLN from day 1, as President, Membership Chair and a member of many committees.  Lorna brings CAfLN her wealth of experience as a teacher, researcher, leader and critical friend.  She has worked in classrooms and schools, with Ministries of Education, in universities and as a consultant to educators and policy makers around the world. Although her areas of research and development include using data for decision making, evaluation methods, knowledge mobilization, and networking for school improvement, her primary interest has been assessment. She has always been passionate about understanding assessment and getting it right – understanding what it is for, how it is done and how it is used.  Her publications about assessment range from scholarly research articles to accessible texts like Assessment as Learning (Corwin Press) and Rethinking Assessment with Purpose in Mind (Western and Northern Canadian Protocol).

Lorna Earl
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